Remember Me!

What does this log bench and bottle of homemade red raspberry wine have in common?  Well, if you're interested in yet another story, get yourself some refreshments and get ready for another tale from the Hollow! 

One of our best friends here in the Hollow has a bench I always admired.  Located along the side of his garage it held many of us regulars comfortably as we leaned against the building's outer wall for a back rest.  Over our years here in the Hollow, we've grown close...not only this bench and I but also the owner's and I.  And, since the family considers us one of "them" and we are invited to all of the reunions regardless of whose side...hers or his.  These folks have just welcomed us with totally open arms (even though they continue to refer to us as "Yankees")!!  We've gone to parties at their place, sat around listening to their friends pick away on banjos and guitars and shared many, many wonderful times.  For their friendship we are grateful.

Anyway, for eight years, I've sat on his bench, socializing with everyone...laughing, listening to stories and telling stories.   Then one day last year out of the blue, I said, "I would sure like one of these benches along the side of my house, Buddy."

And so it was.  A few days after I'd mentioned it, the Pres pulled in the yard with his big red Dodge Diesel, came around back and said, "Give me a hand unloading this, will ya?"  Approaching the driveway and seeing this log protruding from the bed, I was concerned that I might not be able to lift it.  Fourteen feet long and weighing close to two hundred pounds, I put on my work gloves as the Pres hoisted himself up and into the back of the truck.

Oh, it was a struggle, but we got it into the yard, setting it on the ground.  Now all that was needed was for the Pres to simply notch out the two ends from tree trunks.  Like little Lincoln Logs, we'd be able to set the large log right in and we'd be good to go!  Since we had plenty of tree trunks around,  it was done within a few days and the bench became a permanent fixture along side of our house.  It fit perfectly both with the decor of the house and with the Pres and I as well.

to be continued...


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