Rock-A-Bye Baby...

While still trying to get a picture of the baby birds that are on my front porch, I have learned what attentive parents Mama and Papa really are.  Each time I sneak outside and up the creaky, squeaky front steps leading to the porch, the mother flies off.  Shrinking down within the nest, the babies remain quiet, never making a peep.  This is how it's been since the day after Mother's Day.

Generally sitting on the light post, Papa isn't far away either while I, sitting on the worn wooden bench, wait, camera in hand.  After spending so much time watching the family, I've got their routine down pat.  If Mama is not on the nest, she emerges from the thicket, lands on the fence on my front garden bed and sits.  With food in her mouth, she doesn't swallow.  She simply waits...and waits for the stranger on the bench to leave.

Being determined to snap just one picture of the little ones, I decided the other day to stand on the rocking chair closest to the nest.  Raising the camera up over my head and aiming, the rocking chair began to do what is was designed to do...rock

There's a lesson here...well, actually two:

  Do not stand on a rocking chair to take pictures!
Do not stand on a rocking chair because OUCH...the floor is NOT that far away!


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