Z is for...

Zoning out was not my idea of fun to say the least.  My daughter, being the eldest, was really concerned when she saw me "spacey."  You see, there's something about me and medication that just doesn't jive.  Knowing that I would be zonked out once I took one of the pain pills, I would talk to or give my daughter instructions before I fell to sleep on the couch.  It was much easier for me to sleep there since the bathroom was only a few feet away.  You see, those pain pills made me so dizzy and woozy, I was afraid I would fall going up and down the stairs making matters worse.

"Babe, pick up those posters lying in the middle of the floor and put them away," I said.

She responded respectfully, "Mommy, there are no posters in the middle of the floor." 

"Oh, okay.  Are you sure?" as I drifted off.

We laugh about it to this day as we both remember it vividly.

Ah...yes, the life of a single parent. 


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