N is for...

Nestled in between the large rocks, I spotted this cactus while walking to the shops located near the high rises.  Isn't it great?  Not far down the walkway, there was this large mass of spiny desert plant.

Needless to say I continued to the shops, wandered amongst the hustle and bustle and decided that I would much rather be on the outside looking in...so to speak.  I headed back to the resort, where I changed back into my bathing suit, shorts and flip flops and headed off in the opposite direction to see a different world.

Now I know we are all busy with our gardens since the arrival of Spring, but nevertheless, I couldn't pass up this opportunity to show off some of the blooms from Aruba, with it's desert like climate.

Nearly feather-like, these white blooms seemed almost radiant as they used the backdrop of the various shades of green foliage.
And who can ever meander by the illustrious Bird of Paradise and not take a quick photo?

Not knowing what this flower is called didn't stop me from admiring it's blooms.  Vibrant and crimson in color,  they looked like giant scarlet pine cones!

Needle sharp thorns adorned this bush with it's yellow pom-pom like blooms.  Each morning as I walked the most wonderful scent filled the air.  Finally, near the end of our vacation, I found out that it was coming from this thorny bush, according to the locals.  The scent is extracted from it and used in various perfumed products.

Nothing like Nature
Can take you away

Nothing like Nature
Can show you the way

Nothing like Nature
Which offers so much

Nothing like Nature
Allows you to touch


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