"Powerful" Neighbors

I knew something was wrong during the night when I woke up and everything was pitch dark.  It didn't take me long to figure out that we had lost power!  Brrrrr...I was chilly as I got up and headed toward my "office" to grab my little flashlight.  Finding my way in the dark wasn't bad because I am very organized and leave things in their designated spot.

Grasping the mini Maglite and turning it on with a quick twist, I headed down the hall towards the bathroom.  Although it was a "little uncomfortable" sitting on the bowl, I quickly adapted!  I decided that I might as well stay up and light a few of the oil lanterns that are located in the dining and kitchen areas.  I sat in the family room chair wrapping the blanket around me sipping on a glass of OJ.

Using the old phone, which is the only phone that works during a power outage, I called Melvin & Jesse next door.  They, too, had no power.  

Waiting until about 6:30am to disturb the Pres, I asked if he could get up and start the generator, which he did.  Our generator is not big enough to run the entire house, but we'd be able to let the heat pump run as well as the pump for the well and our septic.  Besides, now I could make a cup of coffee!  

Meanwhile although I told the Pres to go back to bed, he stayed up.  Normally he sleeps until after 8:00am, which is why I take the dogs and walk so I'm not tempted to start doing anything in the house.  That way, he sleeps in because it's so quiet.   Anyway, since he was getting anxious for his newspaper, he headed down the road in the red Dodge Ram.  You see, normally Melvin drives down the mountain, gets his and our paper and then drops ours in our mailbox or hands it to me if I'm out walking.

When the Pres got back home, he told me what he saw.  I HAD to jump in the Wrangler and head down there to get a picture.  Of course, that was after I gave Lisa over at Two Bears Farm a jingle.  They had power.  When I got down the road, there they were...just dangling.  That explained it...old Mother Nature was working overtime!  The winds we had on Sunday were so severe that it sounded like a freight train was running through the Hollow at times!  

So, now, as I write this, the generator is still running and running and running.  The only running I'll do is perhaps to walk the mountain a second time today with Moon and Copper.  I'll have to go to the Y tomorrow.  After all, tomorrow is another day...:)


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