My Tools...My Signs

This is my tool bench.  It's a tad messy, as you can see, but one of these days, I'll get to it.  One of these days.

I'm quite a busy beaver, in case you haven't figured that out yet.  I like to tinker sometimes.  I've got a belt sander, a scroll saw and two other trusty wood carver and my Dremel.  I've made all kinds of things!  You'd be proud!   

These are two of my many projects.  There's just something about the buzzing noise that gets me even more motivated!  As you can see, I used old pieces of wood that I found here and there.  This board for my gathering room sign was in an old barn up in Connecticut.  The "North" sign was done on an old piece of discarded picket fence that I took apart with my trusty hammer. 

Oh, one more thing, I'm pretty selfish with my tools.

But, on the other hand, when you come to my house to visit or stay over, you won't get lost.  I have signs everywhere!


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