She's On Her Way

Looking out from the family room doors, I spotted something way out in the field up on the hill.  It was really difficult to see what it was.  Although I'm still not sure, I think it may have been a cat.  The "watch dogs" were napping.  It had been a busy morning.  It was still pretty early.  I wonder if if was a Bobcat.  We have them here...I'll have to keep my eyes peeled and camera close by.

After I had washed the master bathroom floors on my hands and knees and had given the entire bathroom an thorough cleaning, I headed outside.  Dressed in my winter jacket and boots (it was 24), I climbed over the perennial garden fence so I could wash the bay window on the front of the house.  I needed to be sure that I would see her arrive!  After all, when she pulls in my driveway, that window is the first thing you see, so I wanted it at least presentable.  While walking through the stubs of my plants, I noticed the daffodils peeping their heads up out of the ground as well as the Snow-bells and even quite a bit of growth emerging from the Sedum.  Just seeing life begin again gives me pleasure!

Then, I thought...Holy Moosepoops!  I'd better take down the snowman. So, he was the next task on my list.

So, it's official.  He's "all gone".  My snowman doesn't melt, as you can see.  Mine folds.  Oh, and if you remind me, I'll tell you how to make one.  It's a piece of cake...:)

P.S.  Now I've run on again and never got to tell you who's coming!  Oh well, next time perhaps...:)


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