Hungry Hawk

The other morning, it was a little too chilly to walk so I was just hanging out in the yard with the dogs.  It was still early and even the sun hadn't been up for too long, when I saw something unusual.  It was Nature raw and real, right in my own backyard. 

First, I noticed a bird with short rounded wings flying out of the woods.  He landed on one of the wires that runs through the yard.  Once it landed, I was able to get a better look at it.  I think it was a Cooper's Hawk (on the left in the photo; Sharp Shinned on right).  As it turned and cocked it's head, it suddenly dove straight for the Blue Jay cackling away that was sitting on the corner of the 2" by 4".

That hawk was on that Jay so fast, I couldn't believe it!  It was like having the Discovery Channel right in my own yard!  I heard squawking, a shriek or two and saw feathers fly , then drop to the ground.  Then he was off, with his kill clutched tightly in his talons.  

These hawks are built for speed and maneuverability.  Unfortunately, they do prey on birds drawn to our feeders.  Apparently, we have at least one that has taken up residency here in the Hollow because I've been seeing bird feathers on a regular basis up near the barn.  And, I've watched something hovering in the woods across the field on more than one occasion.


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