Connectivity...a thing of the past.

I've had it! I'm done with Winter! Last week, because it was precipitating and very chilly, I, like many other decided to spend the day inside.  And so I was...quietly blogging away every now and then until I lost connectivity.

Here in the Hollow, there is no such thing as "cable." There is no such thing as "DSL." So, for both television and my computer, the source of connectivity is via satellite.  The dish for the television is mounted on the side of the house and the dish for my computer is mounted on a pole.  You see, they wouldn't mount on the metal roof.

The message appeared on the screen "NO link to server." Now anyone who has had anything to do with computers in any capacity knows that that is not a good message.  I had lost connectivity and for no apparent reason.  There was no ice or snow on the dish, which is easily within my reach to sweep it off if there was.  Yes, I've done that a few times.

So, a service call is in order.  Oh well...I'll have a lot of catching up to do.  Until then, I get to go to the library.  C'est la vie!


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