A Forever Valentine

Valentine & her Mom, Mini Pearl

I know, I know...Valentines Day is past.  But this little Valentine is here to stay and doing just fine!  Mike sent me this picture of Mom and her little one. 

Now you didn't hear this from me....but...as the story goes:  He did tell me that Chi, their Jacob's Sheep, who loves everyone and everything, kept on ramming little Valentine!  Can you imagine?!?!?  He moved Chi to a different pen.

I was thinking, maybe Chi knew the baby would get all the attention and was jealous.  Heck, that happens with people and dogs.  Why can't it happen with other animals?

I've got to go over for a visit as soon as I can!  It will be over the weekend, which is almost here!!  Until, I get to see that little fuzz muffin in person, I got this picture to tide me over. 

P.S.  Now today, I'm linking up with Amy at Verde Farm for  Farm Friend Friday!  Come on over...she'd love to have you stop by!


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