Slip Slidin' Away!

No.  Don't worry.  I didn't fall.  I wouldn't do that to all of you...not at this time of the year!  And no, we didn't get snow!  However, I wanted to share the cutest little "do-dah" that you can make in just minutes.  Then, you can use them to attach to a gift, hang on your tree or hold those precious money envelopes for the children of all ages!

What You Need:

Hershey Bars
Candy Canes
Scotch Tape

What You Do:

Attach each Candy Cane to the Hershey Bar with Scotch Tape, placing one on each side as "runners"
Place your Ribbon under the Hershey Bar and tape securely.
That's it!  Voila! You're done!

Pardon the pun...but how SWEET is that?

Then, if you really want to have more fun....

You can race with 'em...:)


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