Pet Danders...I mean Dangers

Then there's this stuff....

Now this was scary.

  I'm in the house vacuuming one day and as I looked out the family room french doors, I noticed that Moon was lying in the grass, chewing on something.

I scooted outside to check it out.  That's when I noticed this funny looking thing...almost shaped like a small corn-cob.  I told her to "leave it" and then I picked it up, wondering what it was.

Now bear in mind, just a few days earlier the Pres had showed me some new mouse poison...poison shaped liked small corn-cobs... that he'd bought. got it!  Apparently, a rodent had taken it out of the barn and dropped it on the other side of the creek.  Naturally, my Mountain Moon found it and brought it down to chew on!

Once I realized what it was, I went into the garage to look for the package so I could determine what had been ingested.  I carefully compared what was left to the initial size, then tried to determine the weight of what she had supposedly devoured.  I immediately called the Vet who gave me the Emergency Poison Control number.  Thank God for those folks!!  After researching the product and it's composition, they had me mix a concoction of peroxide and milk.  I was then instructed me to leash Moon, get her to drink it, then "trot" her around a little to get her stomach juices flowing and then place in her in a confined area where I could, in fact, monitor her vomit.  I won't go into that part of it for those of you with queasy stomachs, but I will tell you that there tactics worked wonderfully! 

I then had to bring her to my Vet for blood-work twice to insure she didn't need a shot of Vitamin K to thicken her blood back to normal.  Her blood-work turned out normal. She was going to be fine! that's another danger:  POISONs

Oh, and please don't forget CHOCOLATE...especially this time of the year!  


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