Memory Lane Friday - A Favorite Holiday Food

In trying to think of a favorite "holiday" food, I considered my homemade cheese-ball and/or my crab salad as appetizers.  Then for a main course, I'd have to go with either the "traditional" Thanksgiving feast to include but not limited to turkey, cranberry pecan stuffing, mashed potatoes, turnips, beets and onions, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole and a big fat biscuit and/or a juicy baked honey ham, with sides of lasagna, potato salad, baked beans, cole slaw, and green bean casserole.

Then for dessert...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...COOKIES, what else?  You never have enough cookies!  Oh, and perhaps a nice slice of my carrot cake, followed by a big fat slice of my pumpkin pie (or coconut custard), and then perhaps a slice of cheesecake with a nice raspberry drizzle laced on it.  Then, later on I'd enjoy a nice warm dish of my Apple Crisp.

Yep...that'll do it! 

P.S.  Oh, and one more thing I think I'd add...the frozen TV dinners we had when I was flat broke!  To me, you see, there doesn't have to be a favorite holiday food.  I'm just darn grateful to have those that I love in my life when holidays come around...:)  That's enough "favorite" in my life!


Memory Lane Friday
and don't forget to visit Lisa over at Two Bears & Three Cubs Farm.  I did!!


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