I'm So Lucky....

Today, while I was making Nancy's ( A Rural Journal) Peanut Brittle, Joe told me there was mail for me on the counter.  I peeked at the envelopes quickly seeing the return address from some friends of mine back in Connecticut.

I waited until the mixture was cooling in the cookie sheet and went over to open the envelopes.  First there was a card from Marlene and John (awesome folks!!!).  Then there was a card from one of my former co-workers, who is a sweetheart, too.  Then as I looked upon the return address I saw TEXAS

"Texas," I thought..."I don't know anyone in Texas."  I opened the envelope and saw the card. 

And guess what????

I do KNOW SOMEONE FROM TEXAS!  The card was from one of my NEW FRIENDS!  I follow her blog and she follows mine (kind of like a mutual admiration society!).   It was from "TexWisGirl" who hosts The Run-A-round Ranch Report.  And guess what SHE SENT ME?  I was so tickled when I opened that card and saw what was inside!

She sent me a TON OF LOVE & LUCK...can you imagine?...all the way from Texas!
Thanks TexWisGirl...:)


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