
Several weeks ago, I received, from a friend of mine, a gallon size zip-lock bag with what looked like runny glue inside.  She said, "here, JP, I've got something for you" as she placed the bag and a piece of paper in my hands.

Now this girl is one of my "workout buddies".  She is 30 ish and just as sweet as can be.  In addition to that, she has the most beautiful smile you could imagine!  She and her husband have been over to the house a few times for cookouts and they have one teenage son who is a great kid.  

When I opened up the recipe, I saw "Amish Friendship Bread" at across the top of the page.  I looked at her smiling and said, "oh my, I haven't done this in years."    We both sort of laughed.  I thanked her then gave her a big hug and squeeze.  

If you've ever made Amish Friendship Bread, it's really quite a interesting process.  You receive this small amount of "stuff" and each day you have to do something to it.  For instance, on days 2-5, you merely stir it with a wooden spoon or in my case, "mush the bag."  On day 6, you add one cup of flour, one cup of sugar and one cup of milk and once again, stir with a spoon or "mush the bag."  Days 7-9 are simple enough..."mushing the bag."  Then on day 10, you again add flour, sugar and milk before taking out 3 cups, placing each 1 cup into three separate plastic containers/bags.  Those you give away to "friends."   The remaining batter is used by you to make the most delicious "bread" (it's more like a coffee cake consistency, I think) by adding a list of other ingredients.

Well, as I said in the beginning, that was several weeks ago, and today, I was once again the recipient of another bag of "runny glue." This will be my third time baking it and each time, I've tried adding something different!   It sure is nice to have friends!!!


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