Razor & Blade

Last week, I had to the chance to help out a friend.  He was bringing his Mini Horses to a place called Sinkland Farms, located in Rhiner.  Since his mom wasn't able to give him a hand, I tagged along.  It was a lot of fun and a most memorable day.

By the time I arrived, he and his nephew had already unloaded the horses and the carts they pull to give kids rides.  Rocky, Mike's nephew, is only 12 but has learned how to drive the cart pretty well so Mike lets him take folks on his own.

 Let me set the stage for you:

Sinkland's was hosting their annual Fall Festival, which runs every weekend in October and ends with their Chili cook-off the first weekend in November.

 Here's Razor all decked out...including bright pink hair extensions in his mane and tail.  Boy, the girls just loved that!!!  As soon as they saw them, they were anxious to get a ride in his cart.  Mike, you see, is a hair dresser and likes to make the ponies look "in".

 So, when they didn't need me for anything, I wandered around the farm.  Although I didn't want to go into the "corn maze".  It took Rocky 1 1/2 hours to make it out the first time!!!  I stuck to the wide open spaces.

  Then we ran into a bit (pardon the pun) of bad luck.  Blade decided that he didn't want to work anymore.  He'd just retuned from giving someone a ride...little Rocky was driving him.  The kids had gotten out....thank goodness!

And I guess, Blade spotted the bag of hay tied to the horse-trailer.  He decided that he was gong to be difficult.  He started rearing up, trying to buck, kicking the the hitch on the cart, neighing, tossing his head in the air!  Rocky was scared...you could tell.  He was able to jump off the cart and let go of the reins in his haste.  Thank goodness Mike was quick enough to grab up the reins and got him to settle down enough then grab a hold of his harness.  After a while, he took off the harness from him and just put on his halter.  He had decided not to take a chance and let the little guy have his way.  Blade spent the rest of the day eating, while Razor did all the work.


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