Lady Kiera Von Pooh: Strong and Brave

Back in 1802 (I reference that year all the time and don't know just means a long time ago) when I had my GSP (German Short Haired Pointer), Kiera, as I would leave for work, I would always tell her, "you be strong and brave" and then I would head out.  This saying became a daily ritual, if you will.  

So, off  to work I went one day and again said, "you be strong and brave."  Well, unbeknown to me, Kiera must have had some wax in her ears that day.  

You see, when I came home she came running to greet me as usual, tail wagging so it just looked like a blurr.  Then, as always, I said to her, "let's go change" as we headed down to the my bedroom.

She'd jump on the bed (something she was only allowed to do when I was husband didn't tolerate such behavior) while I changed.  Then I say "c'mon, let's go work".  "Work" to her was her daily lessons...sit, stay, down, sometimes using verbal commands, sometimes using hand signals.  Then after "work", she knew it was time for PLAY so she was always anxious and well behaved during "work".  After all, she was well trained...always listened and obeyed very command.  I mean, I taught that dog things like "go around" (very useful when her leash became wrapped around a tree), "dig it up" (very helpful when I was gardening), "leave it" (ignore it, let's move on), etc.

  Just a note...German Short Haired Pointers by nature are very energetic and they do not like to be bored...not one little bit.  In fact, if they get bored, they can be destructive.  Anyway, so as I headed outside and down the deck stairs, I noticed a HUGE freshly dug hole!  I mean it was BIG!
Well apparently, that day, Kiera had misunderstood me when I left for work or it could have been that she had wax in her ears.  Personally, I think she thought I said, "you dig a grave"!!  And, being the obedient dog that she was, she did!  LOL!!!  I thought this whole incident was quite funny to tell you the truth...:)  However, my husband didn't.  He doesn't have a good sense of humor...not when it comes to something messing around with the grass!

I filled in the hole, trying to strategically place the grass divots here and there.  From then on, though I always made sure she not only understood my command, but also was sure she had no wax in her ears!  It had to be wax...because this dog was bionic...perfect...could never do any wrong.  Trust me, you'll be hearing more!


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