Lady Kiera Von Pooh: Intermediate (Part 1)

Once Kiera had graduated from Kindergarten Puppy Training, it was time for Intermediate.  During this phase of training we were learning sit stay, heel, come along with a few other "personalized" commands.  You know things that you wanted your dog to do (going to the bathroom on command, when to dig...remember the "dig a grave story", going around an obstacle, retrieving, etc. by giving them a verbal command.

We once again attend classes and practice at home religiously.  Our "work" was always followed with playtime so she was more than willing to "work" knowing that the Frisbie was the wrap up to a good session.  Anyway, here we are in the next to the last class, when the instructors hit us with..."for our last class, each of your dogs must perform a trick in order to graduate.  There will be judges who will sit up on stage to select the winner who will receive a prize." 

"Holy Mooseppops" I thought...Kiera and I don't know any tricks!  So for a few days I really thought and thought and then it hit me...we'll incorporate all of our commands into one routine, showing them what we learned during class.

Now try to work I was busy doing a system conversion so I really was on overload if you know what I mean.  Feel sorry for me yet?  You should.  Anyway, Thursday night rolls around and off we go.
We take our place among the other students and their dogs, anxiously awaiting our turn.  We watched the other dogs "find Daddy" in the crowded room, sit and catch the ball and other cute things.  Then suddenly, I heard it...."JP and Kiera".

Good was "dog school" I thought.  I was a wreck!  Looking back...what was I thinking?  I mean for crying out loud, I was at "VP" at work and here I was...nervous and apprehensive about DOG SCHOOL?!?!?

It was time to do our thing...remembering my motto, "the six P's" that brought me to that VP level at work, "Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance"

to be continued: come back tomorrow for Part II

(P.S.  In case you haven't noticed, I do a lot of posts about animals.   Thanks to my good friend, Lisa, I have found a new blog.  It's called West Virginia Treasures and if you love animals and enjoy reading about their adventures, you should participate in her "Show and Tail" (isn't that just too cute??) each Tuesday!
In fact, Angela is having a great giveaway...go and enter!...:)
  WV Treasures Tuesdays Show and Tail


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