You Tell Me

The other day I was driving home from the gym.  It was 11:50 AM...remember that as it is important.  As I maneuvered around the corners, I noticed a few changes taking place.  "After all, it is September", I said to myself.  There among the green green trees that are so thick and lush that you can hardly see through them, a cluster of bright reddish orange leaves stuck out like a sore thumb.   Another corner and I saw a second bunch.  Yes, Fall is on the way.

Then as I neared the home of my friends...see post dated 8/26/10 entitled "Babysitting", I saw the horses had been moved closer to the road.  I had the windows down and the sunroof opened as it was a breezy day and the humidity was much more tolerable than it's been.

Suddenly I heard a sound.  I heard it again.  I laughed out loud.  It was my friend, the ROOSTER!!  He was crowing in the middle of the day!!  I laughed right out loud as I drove by and thought, there goes the neighborhood!!!

Now you tell me, do you think that is normal?  Well, when I got home, I checked with your friend and mine, the Internet.  Apparently, some roosters are more "vociferous, crowing almost constantly, while others only crow a few times a day."

My conclusion is this.  Since he is still young, he's trying to establish a name for himself with the ladies.  I'm sure that he will loose the ego...hopefully sooner than most men!


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