Time For A Check-Up

We all have to do it sooner or later.  And, although a year has gone by too quickly, it's that time of the year again for me.  Yes, it's time to get all the moving parts checked out and ensure they are all in good working condition and will withstand another year of adventures, excursions, running errands, let alone routine daily functions...if you know what I mean.

  According to the "doc", many tests will be performed, because, after all, I am getting older.  Unfortunately, I'll be poked and prodded to rule out any malfunctions or obstructions.  Then, after all the data is compiled, I'm sure that many minds will work on diagnosing and deciphering what it is that's wrong...if, in fact, there is anything wrong.  But, in order for me to have all this done I need to make a "road trip".  You see, it's hard to find the "right" doctor close by...and let's face it, when you live in a "hollow", you have to climb a few foothills, if not mountains, to get good care.  So today, I'm heading out to Winston-Salem, N.C.

Yes, it's a haul but that's where my car dealership is located!  


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