Imagination is Good for the Soul

Don's be scared!  This is my little GR (gnome rock)!  Isn't he adorable?  I wish I could take credit for painting him.  I can't.  I had a friend of mine give the rock to her daughter and she painted it for me.  When I saw this nearly triangular rock, I immediately thought GNOME!  Seriously, I was up behind the barn and saw this pointed rock jutting out of the ground, so I dug it out.  When I looked at it, the first thing I saw was a handsome gnome with a beard.  I've always loved beards!  Cool, huh?

According to the gal who painted it, what you have to do is go searching for rocks.  She looks in riverbeds, on roads, in fields whenever she's out and about.  Look closely at each one and let your imagination envision various things...a cat curled up, a corn cob, a bear or simply a basket of flowers.  Then pull out your paints!  She doesn't even sketch anything first.  She immediately begins to paint after she's pictured it.  She is such an inspiration, isn't she?  Oh, to be talented...wish I was!


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