Memory Lane Fridays: A Chore

It had been five days since I mentioned to Joe that the area on the other side of the creek needed to be cut again.  Since I knew Joe's theory about doing things that he really does want to do, I thought it best if I just did it myself...after all, that's what he wanted anyway.

It was not the first time I've tackled this chore.  But, last time I wore shorts and ended up with these bites all over my legs.  My neighbor told me they were chiggers.  What in heavens name is a chigger????  Trust me, I found out!!

So, early one morning, while Joe was still sleeping I cranked up MY weed eater...YES, MY WEED EATER...that I'd bought at a local hardware store when they were running a "Father's Day Special".  I went into those weeds totally prepared.

Dressed in an old pair of painter's pants, a long sleeved shirt and tall navy rubber boots, and armed with my trusty weed eater, I attacked those overgrown weeds with a vengeance!  (Hopefully the pix will help you to understand the before, the during, and the after.)
But after about 45 minutes and just as I got down closer to the creek where the work would go quicker, don't you know...I ran out of gas!  Darn!  I really wanted to get this out of the way early in the morning because it was supposed to be close to 100!  Oh Scarlet once said, "Tomorrow's another day.  I'll think about it tomorrow".


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