Class Reunion- Day 2 -Never Give Up

I had signed up for as many activities as my schedule would allow.  I wanted to do it all!  Those interested were to meet at the High School at 8:00am Saturday morning for a walk/run/chat.  It turned out to be walk and chat which was fine by me because it was extremely humid again.   
 I apologize for the quality of the photo, but as you can see, the folks in front of me were moving, as was I when I took this.  Walking, talking and shooting all at the same time!  What was kind of cool though, was that one of classmates had owned a 1960 something (I'm horrible at cars) and had, at one point, borrowed his dad's wrench to work on the car.  He lost the wrench; his dad was angry; the car was sold.  However, years later, after his dad passed away, my classmate was able to locate the car!  He bought it back to refurbish it!  Yes, after all those years! gets better!  When he took up the carpet in the back seat, his dad's wrench was underneath!  Now if that's not a "goosebumper", I don't know what is!!
So, he then as he told me, when he found the wrench, he held it up to heaven and said, "Dad, I found it.  It just took me a little longer than normal."  He was fighting back the tears as he told me the story.  He must have been close to his father.


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