
Perhaps they know something "we" don't.  Are they looking for a Winter hideout?  How about a Winter getaway?  Are they marking the nesting box for this coming Spring?  Do they know we're having a very warm December right now?

Honestly I don't know.  What I can tell you is that as I was in the kitchen baking (yes, lots and lots of baking), I watched the male bluebird peer in and out of the nesting box, then perch up on the roof.  Before I knew it another Bluebird appeared.  Then they flew up high into the old cedar and back down again to the nesting box.  The photos aren't the best because they were taken through the kitchen window but you get the drift.

Now, according to Google, Eastern Bluebirds are both migrants and residents here in New England.  While they can become residents in Southern New England, Eastern Bluebirds are becoming more common in certain areas of CT.  So, apparently we're in that "certain area" and I'm glad.  Now that I think about it, I've never heard a Bluebird sing in December but I'm more than willing to listen.

seeing, saying, sharing...


 The Bird D'Pot

Wild Bird Wednesday 


Ginny Hartzler said…
What a sight at Christmas time! Yikes, it sure APPEARS that they are nesting!! Wonder how long it takes for their eggs to hatch?
Ann said…
What a treat that would be to have them all year long.
Birds are pretty darn smart, they probably do know something is up!
Certainly, an unexpected sighting and lucky you were able to capture these bluebirds.

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